

英国の大手製薬メーカー「アストラゼネカ」が9日、英オックスフォード大と共同開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンにおいて、世界各国の治験(臨床試験)を一時中断したと発表。このニュースで世界中に衝撃が走りました。治験は12日に再開されましたが、すでに確保している1億2千万回分の日本人向けワクチンの供給は大丈夫なのでしょうか? この治験の「第3フェーズ」に参加しているという房広治さんは、自身のメルマガ『房広治の「Nothing to lose! 失う物は何も無い。」』の中で、メルマガ読者や友人から「治験中断」のニュースを受けて、心配の声が届いたことを報告。そして、治験の中断理由や、治験関係者から届いたという貴重なメールも公開しています。




読者の武田さんからは、今回のアメリカでの治験の中止の背景について、メルマガで情報をとのことでしたので、下記に、オックスフォードワクチングループ傘下のPediatrics Department(小児科)Headのホランダー教授からのメールをそのまま添付します。






Dear Koji,

AZN’s trial has been put on temporary hold to investigate a case of transverse myelitis in a UK participant. We don’t have enough info yet – which is why the trial is on hold – to get the info, establish causality (timing – was this present with symptoms pre-vaccine?), did the subject have COVID too or develop this when he got COVID? Think well described complication of vaccines, especially oral polio (not an adenovirus and it’s live attenuated). Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord. This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerves (myelin).

Transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body and is a bit like multiple sclerosis but it tends to be a one off event that gets better and viruses can trigger it, as can vaccines, but we usually don’t know the cause. It typically affects 1 in 250k people.

Best paper I can find here:

“We have disclosed 37 reported cases of transverse myelitis associated with different vaccines including those against hepatitis B virus,
measles-mumps-rubella, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and others, given to infants, children and adults. In most of these reported cases the temporal association was between several days and 3 months, although a longer time frame of up to several years was also suggested. Although vaccines harbor a major contribution to public health in the modern era, in rare cases they may be associated with
autoimmune phenomena such as transverse myelitis. The associations of different vaccines with a single autoimmune phenomenon allude to the idea that a common denominator of these vaccines, such as an adjuvant, might trigger this syndrome.”

This individual likely to recover.

We do not know if this could be a case of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) i.e., making a viral infection worse, since transverse
myelitis and COVID has also been well described, one example here:

AZN have released a statement that this is a serious adverse event (SAE) related to an acute event and not ADE and it would probably take more than one event like this to confirm it might be an ADE.

Best wishes



Dear Koji,

following up on our discussion yesterday: Transverse myelitis has been very rarely associated with a variety of different vaccines and is
also associated with viral or other infections as well as autoimmune diseases:

For COVID, reports of transverse myelitis are extremely uncommon. A report at the end of August documented the 11th case, but mentioned others potentially in pre-print.

With 30mn documented COVID cases and probably 2x that number if we include undocumented COVID, we’re still looking at an ultra-rare (less than 1 in a million) event.

Best wishes



  • アストラゼネカ治験に参加中!私が聞いた「このワクチンは危険なのか?」
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